Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's Coming Up

In Reiki tradition, practitioners often offer regular Reiki Shares where members of the public can come to be introduced to Reiki, or if you already practice Reiki, a Reiki Share is a place where you can deepen your connection to Reiki energy. I'm committed to facilitating two Reiki Shares per month and I'm really enjoying it. Everyone who attends will get lots of hands-on practice in sensing the flow of Reiki energy.

The first Thursday of each month I'll be at the south end of my county, and the last Tuesday I'll facilitate a Share at the north end. Of course I'm open to travel from Maine to Spain as well! Maybe we can set something up in your neck of the woods?

Just when I was thinking this schedule would spread things out, it just-so happens that next week both shares will be going on. Boy-oh-boy the energy's goin' to be flowing! Hope to see you there...

Tuesday, 9/30/08
Atlantic General Hospital
Berlin, MD
6:00pm - 8:30pm

Please register before September 26th. 410-251-7701 or email me.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Serenity Shoppe
Snow Hill, MD
6:00pm - 8:30pm

Please register before September 26th. 410-251-7701 or email me.


Kimberly K. said...

Looking forward to continuing to keep in touch! I finally launched my company a couple of weeks ago and had a huge response - something that I was not anticipating to that degree but how wonderful that was!

I hope to make it to a session soon! I have added your blog to my igoogle subscriptions to keep me in the loop.

Much love,


Unknown said...

Sounds like you have had a busy Summer! Reiki is a great adventure into a world where giving healing to others brings wellness to all involved. I just completed Reiki 1 myself this past weekend and would love to attend your Reiki Shares.

Nice to hear from you, Cindy